Sustainable- Maintaining the world from going astray towards a non equitable life.
Oxfam views global citizenship free of discrimination; a place with rights to each person living on the earth.
3a. Amnesty International urges individuals to make a difference by speaking out and writing letters to put an end to human right violators around the world. It has devoted its terms to defending people whose free of expression has been taken away.
4a. David Suzuki's view of global citezenship is with the environment. He feels that every citizen deserves to know the threats to the surroundings and how the world still has a chance to having a good environment. .
b. The fact that David Suzuki studies hard towards his education, and has received a Ph.D. in zoology; explains his principles towards his work.
5a. I find that interpreting equality relates to global citizenship very well. I feel that as a citizen I have the same rights, and I"m equal to everyone around me.
Pg. 191 #2a,b,3a,b.
1a. Various young people around the globe are trying their best to meet new people and explore different standards of life. They want to come to countries to learn; to share the information with their own nation. When the stories are told of how these people manage to meet there goals it is very appalling. Because of there different features they get bullied around to the extent of wanting to go back to their own countries.
b. Hadi Hussein, Alrubui is an Iraqian immigrant joining the community of Denmark. He came to learn the language; to become an electro-engineer and help to rebuild Iraq. The Danish society has a lot of rules and regulations and sometimes Hadi feels he's just a number, and isn't recognized by the community. The Danes seem to be very reserved and scared as if he has come to bring the war with him. Hadi's goals are to explore new and different communities, and to come as a symbol of peace and freedom.
Pg. 203 #2a,b,3,a,b,5,7a.