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aids the battle


             to find other amusement. Once the Chesapeake Animal Control conducted their .
             investigation and performed a necropsy, criminal charges were filed against 3 of the 4 .
             boys involved. If these charges are found to be accurate, these boys are not only in .
             violation of the laws of the State of Virginia, but are also in need of immediate .
             psychiatric intervention." (1)*** .
             Another horrific article I ran across was even worse. It was about a dog who to was also a .
             victim of rancid brutality. Here is that story. .
             ***WARNING*** (graphic details) .
             "Jose, Marcus, Richard and Lance are accused of obtaining a video camera, pressing the .
             'record' button, luring Scruffy from his home, and then torturing and killing him in an .
             unspeakably monstrous act of cruelty. In the videotape that the police and media have in .
             their possession, four men are shown torturing and killing Scruffy in lurid detail. The .
             quality of the tape is very good, and the police have been able to obtain photographs of .
             the men in the tape. In this tape, one of the four men is shown to elevate Scruffy off the .
             ground by the neck, and then begin this horrific abuse by choking him. This 6 pound little .
             dog did not have a fighting chance against these men. Scruffy, still alive, was then placed .
             in a trash bag. The four men shown in the tape then doused the trash bag with what .
             appeared in the video to be lamp oil, took a cigarette lighter, and set Scruffy on fire. .
             Scruffy, at this point in the video, began to run wildly in pain and agony around the trees .
             while the four men watched and laughed. When the flames finally went out, Scruffy was .
             still alive, but his torture was not over. Next, the men decided to try to decapitate Scruffy .
             with a shovel. After slamming the shovel into Scruffy's neck and not being able to attain .
             their goal, they realized that Scruffy was more of a fighter than they had expected. The .
             men then opened Scruffy's mouth and began to pull his jaws apart, as if trying to rip his .

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