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aids the battle


            Animal cruelty encompasses a range of different behaviors harmful to animals, .
             from neglect to malicious, brutal killings. Studies show that animal cruelty may lead to .
             more serious forms of crime, like heavy drug use, violent outbursts, and most common, .
             cold blooded murder. Many studies in psychology, sociology, and criminology during the .
             last twenty-five years have demonstrated that violent offenders frequently have childhood .
             and adolescent histories of serious and repeated animal cruelty. A web page that goes by .
             the name Animal Alliance says "most cruelty investigated by humane officers, is .
             unintentional neglect, and can be resolved through education." (3) I was slightly shocked .
             when I saw this comment. Anyone who puts an animals" life in their hands, has a .
             responsibility to it. You don't just forget to feed him/her, or forget to show them love .
             unless it is intentional, it get so much worse, though. These people aren't just forgetting .
             to feed their pets, or give them attention, they"re kicking and beating them, poisoning and .
             butchering these poor creatures, and what makes me sick to my stomach, is that some of .
             these people do it for fun!! I recently ran across a link to a web page that contained a .
             online petition to put a cat's killers to justice with maximum sentence. This is the article I .
             found on this brutal torture of an innocent creature. .
             ***WARNING*** (graphic details) .
             "On October 10, 1999, a beautiful female cat came willingly to the four boys who .
             stopped on the side of the road and called to her. Her trust was rewarded by unthinkable .
             terror and cruelty - being used as a tug-of-war toy until the boys heard something "pop", .
             having her legs broken, being jumped up and down on like a trampoline. Even when her .
             pitiful battered body was mercifully dead, her suffering was not at an end. The boys then .
             placed her ravaged body under the wheel of their car, braking over her, as they drove off .

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