428-463 AD King McNeill reigned.
431 AD Pope Celestine 1 sent Palladius to the Irish, as first Bishop. Palladius died soon after.
432 AD Arrival of St. Patrick to help convert pagan Gaelic Kings to Christianity.
461 AD St. Patrick dies, after having achieved his dream of introducing.
550AD Onwards Both Roman Civilisation and the Christian Church to Ireland. Irish monks re-Christianize Europe.
Written Account of Irelands' History Begins.
521 Columbia or Colum Cille born at Gartan in Tyre Connell. He became a priest and became first Abbot of a church at Derry.
561 Battle of Culdremna.
563 Columcille sails to Iona, where he Christianised Scotland and much of England.
597 Columcille dies. His name and reputation was the greatest in the Irish Church. He had a great reputation as a missionary.
800 Ireland attacked by Viking Norsemen, on Lambay Island, off Dublin.
908 The Eoganachta were defeated, when they tried to subject Leinster to Cashel's rule. Their king, Cormac MacCullenan, was killed.
914 Vikings established settlements at Waterford.
916 Vikings established settlements at Dublin.
920 Vikings established settlements at Limerick.
940 Brian Boru was born. Son of a leader of one of the royal free tribes of Munster.
976 Brian succeeded his brother Mahon, as King of Munster until 1014.
999 Brian Boru defeated Vikings.
1002 Brian Boru wins recognition as king of all Ireland.
1014 High King Brian Boru, killed at Battle of Clontarf.
1066 Normans defeat Saxons in England.
1156 Turloch More O'Connor, a king of Connacht, who had become High King in 1119, and who was the greatest of Brian Boru's successors - died.
1167-69 Arrival of Normans at Baginbun, Co. Wexford, starting 800-year struggle between English and Irish.
1170 Arrival of Richard de Clare, known as Strongbow.
1171 Strongbow becomes king of Leinster. Arrival of Henry II, end of the Milesian kings; thus began the political involvement of England in Ireland's affairs.
1166-1175 Reign of Rory O'Connor, Last native High King of Ireland.