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That is to share equally among everyone and to create a friendly and safe society where everyone is happy. It sounds like a great idea, however it is very hard to keep in practice. A few years after Robert Owen had assembled his Utopian Mills they failed greatly and collapsed. A good Idea on How to approach this is to eliminate owners and bosses of companies, this way workers can get the profits they make, set their own work hours, and benefit from their hard works as they please. .
             Capitalism is a very cold system to those on the bottom of the caste system. In order to make an equal society that is fair to all the caste system has to be eliminated. This way their wont be any discrimination of rights towards those with a lower reputation. The first seed in the separation of classes is education. There are more people on the lower class system without an education than the middle and upper combined. Education is essential for society to survive. This is another quote from Robert Owens book stating how an education is essential for society.
             "Law 2 All shall be trained and educated From Birth, to maturity, in the best manner known at the time".
             This law is put into practice today, in our capitalistic society, in order for people to make for themselves. This opportunity is put forward for us to seize the opportunity and live a good life. The same goes for a Utopia, education is essential to living a good life comfortable life. .
             However education in today's world varies from school to school, this is because the criterion is different and teachers are different. It is also important for everyone to learn the same fundamental and basic skills, and to not have the skills scattered by whom teaches. This ensures that everyone can function as an individual as well as work together in this "good life" utopian society. This can be seen in the third law of Robert Owens book.
             "LAW 3. All shall pass through the same general routine of education, domestic teaching and employment".

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