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Freud's Theory of Defence Mech


These are the result of a three-way conflict between the id, the ego and the super-ego (Santrock, 1997).
             Defences against anxiety.
             An integral concept within the psychodynamic school of thought is the idea of the existence of unconscious processes of "self-deception". These processes, which are referred to by Freud as defence mechanisms, function in such a way as to reduce or eliminate the conscious experience of thoughts and feelings that would normally provoke anxiety (Gray, 1999).
             The most common defence mechanisms explored by Freud include repression, displacement/sublimation, reaction formation, projection, rationalisation and regression.
             Repression is the most powerful of the defence mechanisms and acts to remove harmful thoughts, feelings or memories from the conscious mind (Santrock, 1997). These thoughts would result in potentially harmful anxiety. .
             The classic example of repression at its most extreme is that of individuals who have been physically or sexually abused at a young age. Memories of instances of abuse have been "pushed-out" of the consciousness and in some cases, the individual may remember their childhood as being a happy one until something acts to trigger the memories of abuse (such as the use of hypnosis or similar techniques).
             Freud stated that repression lays the foundation for all other defence mechanisms. He perceived repression as a "damming up of a pool of mental energy" (Gray, 1999, p.586). If repressed urges (originating from the id) or memories somehow surface, the other defence mechanisms act to distort or alter them to make them less threatening or harmful to the psyche (Gray, 1999).
             Displacement acts to redirect unacceptable urges or drives toward a more acceptable alternative. A typically Freudian example of this would be the child, no longer an infant, who desires to suckle at his mother's breast. As he knows that this action is no longer acceptable, he redirects or displaces this drive toward the sucking of a lollipop, thus satisfying the urges of the id in an acceptable manner (Gray, 1999).

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