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             Electric Organ .Morse Robb of Belleville, Ontario, patented the world's first electric organ in 1928 .
             Electric Streetcar - Invented by John Joseph Wright in 1883 .
             Fathometer .An early form of sonar invented by Reginald A. Fessenden in 1919 .
             Film Colourization .invented by Wilson Markle in 1983 .
             Garbage Bag .(polyethylene) invented by Harry Wasylyk in 1950 .
             Goalie Mask .invented by Jaques Plante in 1960 .
             Gramophone .co-invented by Alexander Graham Bell & Emile Berliner in 1889 .
             Green Ink .currency or greenbacks ink invented by Thomas Sterry Hunt in 1862 .
             Half-tone Engraving .co-invented by Georges Edouard Desbarats & William Augustus Leggo in 1869 .
             Heart Pacemaker .invented by Dr. John A. Hopps in 1950 .
             Hydrofoil Boats .co-invented by Alexander Graham Bell, & Casey Baldwin in 1908 .
             IMax Movie System .co-invented in 1968 by Grahame Ferguson, Roman Kroitor and Robert Kerr .
             Instant Mashed Potatoes .dehydrated potato flakes were invented by Edward A. Asselbergs, in 1962 .
             Insulin Process .Fredrick Banting, J. J. Macleod, Charles Best and Collip invented the process for insulin in 1922 .
             JAVA .a programming language invented by James Gosling in 1994 .
             Jetliner .the first jetliner was designed by James Floyd in 1949 .
             Jolly Jumper .a baby's delight invented by Olivia Poole in 1959 .
             Kerosene .invented by Doctor Abraham Gesner in 1846 .
             Lawn Sprinkler .another invention made by the Real McCoy .
             Light Bulb Leads .leads made of nickel & iron alloy were invented by Reginald A. Fessenden in 1892 .
             Marquis Wheat .invented by Sir Charles E. Saunders in 1908 .
             Mcintosh Apple .invented by John McIntosh in 1796 .
             Music Synthesizer .invented by Hugh Le Caine in 1945 .
             Newsprint .invented by Charles Fenerty in 1838 .
             Odometer .invented by Samuel McKeen in 1854 .
             Paint Roller .invented by Norman Breakey of Toronto in 1940 .
             Plexiglas .(Polymerized Methyl Methacrylate) invented by William Chalmers in 1931 .
             Polypump Liquid Dispenser .Harold Humphrey made pumpable liquid hand soap possible in 1972 .

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