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Each gun had nine people who would reload and fire the gun. And each artillery crew can usually fire two shots per minute. A solid shot can go as far as 5 miles and 200 yards with grape shot and it was also extremely accurate. When in close range, loaded with shots, it could destroy great amount of enemies. Artilleries are considered one of the most deadly weapons on the battlefield because they can take out many enemies in a single shot and shoot more than 5 miles.
             The sabers and bayonets are another types of weapons. A saber is a slightly curved sword that was carried by the officers during the battle. The officers used the saber to point at a direction then his units will attack at the direction he pointed. Sabers are also marks of ranks that ranked the officers. The bayonet is a 14-19 inches short triangular blade that was attached in front of the rifle musket. Many battles are depended on the bayonets because it can kill people faster in short range and can also kill people while they are reloading.
             The side arms are pistols. The pistol was usually carried by the commander. During the close range battle, the commander would usually use the saber and pistol to kill the enemies. The pistol can usually fire six times then have to reload. Many soldiers .
             Wang 4.
             used it for protection. Three common used pistols are the Colt Army Model 1860, the Starr Revolver, and the Le Mat Revolver. The Colt Army Model and the Starr Revolver .
             both used .44 caliber and can fire six shots. The Le Mat Revolver used .40 caliber and can fire nine shots. So the main propose of the pistol is for close range protection.
             There are many kinds of rifle muskets that are used during the industrial revolution. Couple common used rifle muskets are 1861 Springfield Musket, Whitworth rifle, and the Austrian Model 1854 rifle musket. All those rifle muskets are all accurate, long-range and powerful. .
             The Model 1861 Springfield Musket was the most widely used shoulder arm of the Civil war and saw service in every major battle.

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