cited in the Koran as being a sin. For example, in the Koran it says no homosexual .
behavior ever appeared before the time of Sodom. Then in the passage it says .
homosexuality was a reason for it's destruction.
There are different schools of Islam that have decided to treat this I different ways. .
One school is called Hanafite (located in south and east Asia) and they decided that no .
physical punishment of gays be allowed. Then there is another school called Hanabalites .
(located widely in the Arab world) which calls for severe punishment of gays. Lastly .
there is the school called Sha'fi (located in Arab world) which sates that there must be a .
minimum of 4 witnesses before a person can be found guilty of a homosexual act.
Islam is the world religion that has taken a fierce stance on this topic. They say .
that they are following what the Koran tells them is right or wrong. Because of that stance .
they have taken just in Iran about 4000 homosexuals have been executed since 1979.
Judaism is probably the religion that has no clear answer on this subject. There is .
no two people in Judaism who will completely agree on this subject. The reason why .
there is no clear answer is because there many different branches of Judaism with .
different opinions on the subject. .
Orthodox Jews - This branch of Judaism completely rejects homosexuality because they say it goes against the Torah.
Conservative Jews - This branch of Judaism feels that gays should be treated equally and have the same rights as heterosexuals. This branch allows gays to enter their synagogues.
Reconstructionist Jews - This branch of Judaism is very liberal and is for equal rights of gays. This branch even supports rabbis who are gay.