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The Cause of the American


             During the 1700's the most prominent nation that began to develop in the new world would be faced with a great decision, do we or do we not break from our mother England? England's constant pestering of the American Colonies would lead these colonies to ask themselves if they should do just that, break away from England. In the end with England's unnecessary taxations and act's of all verities would lead to the American Revolution, which would begin in April 1775. The increasing involvement and tightening control of the British government over the American Colonies help cause the American Revolution.
             Going further back then many of the intolerable acts that England would try to enforce on the American people, such as the stamp act or the Townsheds act. We will look at the French and Indian war also known as the 7 year war, and the American involvement in the war to help England beat the French. But one thing we must understand about the American colonies is that each colony was developed and run by .
             free English people in other words the Crown did not send people over to the New World. These people came over by there own free will and they felt that they should be given their space. In the beginning they were so when Britain makes an attempt at running or just medalling in the colonies affairs it is no wonder there would be a revolution. Know during and after the war the deterioration in the relationship between England and America was seen when provincial solider and British Solider could not get along with each other. The Americans would think that the British were immoral, profane men, in which these men had to be controlled with brutal discipline.# Later on after the war Britain would still command post in the New World and would then send even more soldiers to America, which would also lead to bad blood between the two nations. The reason for this is the after the American's had helped Britain defeat the French they thought that the English can now leave and let us get on with our own lives.

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