Marx would not be able to write this manifesto without this right. It also means that the state will censor where you go and leaving the country, like in bad times. 7. Basically what Marx meant here, is that there is always improvement and progress agriculturally, and that agriculture and farming should be very important. This happens in a normal country, but I think Marx is trying to get people on his side (like our president does often instead of just improving the country, it is basically doing things to make certain people happy). Marx might also be just a little WACO. 8. All men have to work, and establishment of industrial armies. Even Marx himself noted that laziness might overtake the populous, but he then said that they would be able to undertake the laziness and become better people. Marx obviously does not understand human nature. 9. The destruction or abolition of the distinction between town and country by a combination of agriculture and manufacturing industries and, also by evenly distributing the population across the country. There is one problem here, for instance, the people living in Siberia might revolt on this matter because of the unfavorable location that they have to live in. The point of this is to help make fewer conflicts between townsmen and countrymen. 10. Free education in public schools and elimination of child labor. When learning in school, you also learn about industrial production. This means that while learning normal school stuff, you also learn an occupation. When all this is done in every civilized country and it is running smoothly (yeah right) "WORKING MEN OF ALL COUNTRIES, UNITE!" (Then, after all this is completed we have a perfect world or Utopia, just what Marx wanted, but life is about conflicts and problems) There are many flaws and problems considering human nature and human rights in Marx's Communist Manifesto. First of all, a Utopian society is impossible and it is just a dream by Thomas Moore.