Some parents have argued that they should have veto power over which books may be taught in public schools. I believe that they have a very good argument. Most schools do not agree. They think that since some books have been around for a long time, they are still good to read today. Times have changed and so should the books that children read. Parents should have power over which books their children read along with everything else in their lives. .
Since children are the responsibilities of the parents, then the parents are the ones who should have total control over everything that the children read. Most parents believe that different times call for different books. Many books that were more appropriate for earlier years are not appropriate now. One such book is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Parents feel that this book is not acceptable because of the language used in it. The word "nigger" was acceptable when the book was written and some years after that but now it is not. Some parents may feel threatened by this and thus do not want their children to be exposed to this type of situation. Nevertheless, the parents should have that choice whether or not their children are reading this material. .
In addition to the above reasons, parents should get total control of their children's reading materials also because they are paying for the books. The school is not and since the parents are the ones who must pay then they should only have to pay for the books that they want their children to read. They should not have to buy books just because the school requires the children to read them. If another parent disagrees with them then they can buy the book and have the child read it at home. None of the parents should have to buy books just because some parents think that they are a good idea. They should all get together and come to an agreement about this. They should pick out a certain number of books that they all agree on and only have to buy those books.