Believe it or not for many years civilization has been facing a deadly game,.
To most, this game of hatred and warfare is known as .
"terrorism". Almost everyone has seen and/or experienced terror and it's effects .
sometime in their life and those who haven't eventually will and questions will always .
remain, who, what, when, where, and how? Some of those questions can be answered.
but most.never will.
What exactly is terrorism and when did the beginning of these cruel and .
selfish acts first take place? According to the English dictionary, terrorism is, "the.
use of violence, to create a climate of fear in a given population". Researchers have .
found that the first terrorist acts date back to at least the 1st century when the .
Zealots, a Jewish religious group, planned a surprise attack against the Romans in a .
battle to conquer territory and build their leading foundation now known as Israel.
In the 12th century a group from Iran called the Ismailis or Shiites Muslims were .
responsible for terrorist acts against religious and political leaders of the Sunni Islam.
The Sunnis were followers of four legal schools the Malikis, Hanafis, Shafi'is, and the .
Hanabalis. They believed that leadership was in the hands of the Muslim community. .
To the Sunnis a Muslim could choose whichever school of Islamic thought he or she .
wished to follow and could change that choice at will. This was considered competition .
to the Ismailis, competition that need to be eliminated, and it was. The Sunnis were .
wiped out of the Arab nations after numerous attacks by the Ismailis. These acts of .
violence were considered the first hate crimes ever recorded in history and the .
beginning of a unstoppable trend that would keep building strength and continue .
throughout the years to come, a trend later named terrorism.
Why do people choose to take part in, or commit these horrific acts? And what.