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wonderous willow


My grandma always tells me that our deep unconscious thoughts speak to us through our dreams. According to Glennie Kildred, author of The Power of the Willow Tree, if you have lost touch with your dreams or wish to increase their strength, make yourself a willow wand and sleep with it under your pillow. He says your dreams will immediately become more vivid and meaningful. Starting in my freshman year of high school I have been writing down my dreams to see if I can detect a rhythm or pattern in them. I found that studying my dreams, writing them down, opening my perception to interpreting them was helpful in healing emotional problems and releasing tensions in my life. .
             This movement of allowing the emotions to come through to the surface is the power of the willow's essential energy. Deep emotional pain blocks the energy of the body and can cause many illnesses. The willow will allow the person to move through the many levels of sadness, express the pain though tears and grief, and, by moving through these emotions, facilitate healing. Willow trees are known for their distinctive appearance and the sound they make swaying in the wind. The sounds that mystifies your ears is said to be the sound of the willows weeping their sorrow and pain. For me this would be evident for many of times I shared my tears while lying underneath the great willow in my backyard.
             On an herbal level, willow bark has been used for its pain-relieving qualities for at least 2,000 years. The Salix alba (white willow) contains salicin, which is converted to salicylic acid in the body. Salicylic acid is closely related to aspirin, the synthetic drug that has shifted willow bark from popular use. Willow bark reduces fever and relieves rheumatism, a common ailment in these damp isles. A decoction can be used for gum and tonsil inflammations and as a footbath for sweaty feet according to Kindred.
             Black willow (Salix nigra) is the pussy willow and has black bark as opposed to the light greens of the white willow.

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