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Air Pollution


Since our lives are surrounded by numerous risk factors, there is no way to determine and pin point specific air pollution affects.
             A new study by researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles shows that "there is a statistical link between birth defects in the Los Angeles basin and air pollution levels recorded by monitoring stations throughout the area" (The Orange County Register, 2001). There are also other studies on the "effect of airborne allergens on emergency visits by children for conjunctivitis and rhinitis" (The Lancet p 947). .
             Several cancers and other diseases can be linked directly or indirectly to air pollution, but they cannot be said to be caused only by air pollution. "The Cancer Prevention II Study researchers concluded that chronic exposure to particulate air pollution increases a person's risk of death from heart or lung disease, or both" (JAMA, March 6, 2002 p 1132). Many health issues arise from the lack of concern for clean air.
             Air pollution can affect plant life as well as humans. Some plants are sensitive to pollutants. When those plants encounter an airborne pollutant, they become ill and die. "Other plants may be destroyed by altered mud acidity and release of poison metal ions" (http://hk.geocities.com). These plants are living organisms that help keep our main .
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             ecosystem viable. Without the sub-ecosystems to support life and a stable cycle in place, this immense ecosystem could fall prey to the resource-draining inhabitants.
             Our surroundings are damaged a little everyday by air pollution. From metal corrosion to acid rain, these things are direct results of air pollution. They also affect our outside world. Metal corrosion or rust is a big problem all over the country. Just take a drive throughout the countryside locally. Rusted old cars sit in the yards and fields of people throughout this area. That rust is corrosion and causes poisonous ions to permeate the soil and in turn affect the roots and fruits of some plants.

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