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amish paradise


There are private companies such as airlines who have decided that they will not let people on to airplanes if other passengers feel uncomfortable with having them on the plane. The government has also increased the power of Federal authorities by creating the Office of Home Land Security and the president has asked Congress to pass measures that would give the authorities the right to conduct search warrants with a wider range of enforcement. While doing this Bush has also urged Congress to allow the Office of Attorney General to hold suspected terrorist who are in the process of being deported. Although many of these measures have not yet been passed they will provide the government broad powers to ensure the safety of the public. .
             Many people are puzzled as to why the president has been able to pass so many laws and regulations without proper scrutiny by Congress and the people of this country. There are two main reasons as to why this is. Firstly during a time like this where a show of unity is severely needed people from both sides of the aisles line up together to show that they are united as one, many choose not to say anything contrary to this unity because they don't want to be the odd man out and make themselves look as if they support the enemy. Another reason as to why Bush has been able to do this is because of the tremendous support he has received from the public. This can be shown by the polls conducted after the attacks. At times his job approval rating has soared to as high as 90% after the attacks from as low as 51% in early September. And because Americans trust the way Bush is handling the crisis their support for the war effort rivals that during the times of World War II and the Persian Gulf War. At this time the support rating for some type of military retaliation during late September was at 89%, this is only 8% below the level after the attack of Pearl Harbor where there was a clear a defined enemy.

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