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Who Really Lost Paradise?


             Every single person in the history of the world has at one time or another been confronted by the question of where they belong in the world. It was not always that difficult for some to place others however. In Paradise Lost, Book IX, John Milton claimed that women were subordinate and inferior to man, and Eve precipitated both her and Adam's fall because she did not recognize her proper place in the grand scheme of things. In Milton's world women were domestic beings and obedient to men. Women were also inferior beings then men and thus more succumb to temptation. However, humanity lost Eden because Eve did not accept her position in relation to Adam's. To be somewhat fair, Adam was also responsible for the Fall, but in Milton's mind Eve was more at fault.
             To John Milton, a Puritan, the woman's place was in the household and to be obedient to her husband. Eve, being the first wife, was to be the model all wives after were formed around. In Paradise Lost, Book IX, Adam declares to Eve,?for nothing lovelier can be found in woman than to study household good and good works in her husband promote.? (233-235). Adam reminds Eve that a good wife is one that will do work around the household, and praise and encourage her husband. Her life revolves around keeping her husband happy and successful. Not only is the woman's job to tend house, but also she is also incapable of protecting herself. When Eve asks to leave Adam's side to work on her own, he first denies her saying that the wife,where danger or dishonor lurks, safest and seemliest by her husband stays, who guards her, or with her the worst endures.? (267-269). Eve is told that she is not able to protect herself and that is Adam's job, and the wife's duty is to stay by her husband's side. Finally, as stated above, Eve had to ask Adam for permission to go tend the garden by herself. When Adam finally gives it, though reluctantly, she takes it as a great step.

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