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             After a pitched battle with the Norwegian army, the victorious.
             Scottish general Macbeth encounters a trio of foul witches, who prophesy.
             that he will be made Thane of Cawdor and eventually King of Scotland. They.
             also prophesy that Macbeth's companion, Banquo, shall beget a line of.
             Scottish kings. Macbeth and Banquo are disbelieving, but when they arrive at.
             the palace of King Duncan to be honored for their victory in battle, they learn.
             that Macbeth has indeed been named Thane of Cawdor. Intrigued by the.
             possibility of becoming king, but uncertain of what to expect, Macbeth invites.
             Duncan to dine with him that night and writes ahead to his wife, telling her all.
             that has happened.
             Lady Macbeth suffers no uncertainty; she wishes the kingship for her.
             husband, and wants him to murder Duncan in order to obtain it. When.
             Macbeth arrives at his castle, she persuades him to kill Duncan that very.
             night. When Duncan's death is discovered the next morning, Macbeth takes.
             charge of the group of Scottish nobles, easily assuming the kingship.
             Duncan's sons Malcolm and Donalbain flee to England and Ireland,.
             Fearful of the witches' prophecy, Macbeth hires a group of murderers.
             to kill Banquo. They do so, but fail to kill his son Fleance, who escapes into.
             the night. At a royal feast, Banquo's ghost visits Macbeth, causing him to cry.
             out and startle his guests. Frightened, Macbeth goes to visit the witches in.
             their cavern. There, they show him a sequence of demons and spirits who.
             regale him with further prophecies: he cannot be harmed by any man born of.
             woman, and he will be safe until Birnam Wood moves itself to Dunsinane.
             Castle. Macbeth is relieved, and feels secure, for all men are born of women,.
             and forests cannot move. When he learns that the nobleman Macduff has.
             fled to England to join Malcolm, Macbeth orders that Macduff's castle be.
             seized and his wife and children murdered.

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