Special care is taken of the soul of a person when he dies, after spending some time at the bottom of a river a Hungan (Voodoo priest) calls the soul back into a jar which replaces the resting place of the body. The idea of the soul is a main one in Voodoo and here Zombies come into the picture. While possession by Gods is a wanted thing in Voodoo it is dreaded to be possessed by evil forces. A possession by evil force usually is orchestrated by a Bokor (A Local Sorecer) who is a feared character in the Voodoo religion. He communicates with the dead, leads criminal acts and worships the devil. Many of the Bokors magic include the dead, during one of the curses they take earth and dead mens bones and put it in the path of the victim another curse is the dressing and hiding of a corpse wearing the victims clothes. Research has shown that people that believe in this religion did actually go crazy after these curses were put on them. The most dreaded power of the Bokor though is the creation of a Zombie. The Bokor may create a Zombie for revenge or for personal use as a slave. The Bokor that wants to create a zombie will saddle a horse, ride it backwards to the victims house and then placing his lips to a slit on the victims house door he will suck his soul out and place it in a jar. The man will soon grow ill and die, then the Bokor must come to his grave at midnight on his burial day open the coffin and call the dead mans name. The victim will answer because the Bokor holds his soul, at this time the Bokor will place the jar under the corpses nose for a swift moment. This should reanimate the corpse. After the ceremony the Zombie is taken first by his house and that is supposed to assure that he will forget his loved ones. People take many precautions when burying a corpse so it won't be turned into a Zombie. Some corpses are killed again, meaning shot in the head or injected with poison while others are buried with a dagger in their hand so they can defend themselves.