The Scarlet Pimpernel was written in 1905 by Baroness Orczy.
It was an adventurous tale of love and courage.
In 1792, during the French Revolution, a figure named the .
Scarlet Pimpernel saved many aristocrats from the French. Using .
daring plots and disguises he escaped from the French and his .
archenemy, Chauvlin. The richest man in England, Sir Percy .
Blakenley was married to the most beautiful woman in France, Lady.
Marguerite Blankenley. Sir Percy was an important character in .
The Scarlet Pimpernel.
The story took place in both England and France. It started .
in Paris, France at the scene of the guillotine. Some of the .
story took place at The Fisherman's Rest in Dover, England. Other.
parts of the story took place at Sir Percy's house in Richmond, .
England, The Chat Gris in Calais, France, Lord Greenville's Ball .
and The Covent Garden Theatre in England.
The theme of the story was love and courage. It showed how .
much Sir Percy cared about and loved Marguerite. Marguerite once .
loved him, but now took him for granted and thought of him as a .
fop. It also limned how brave Sir Percy, The Scarlet Pimpernel, .
was in risking his life for the lives of the aristocrats. .
The Scarlet Pimpernel and a small band of devoted followers .
had dedicated their lives and fortunes to saving the innocent .
aristocrats of the French Revolution and the horror of the .
guillotine. They risked their lives on numerous occasions and .
rescued many French noblesse bringing them to the safety and .
security of England. .
Sir Percy Blakenley, one of the wealthiest men in England, .
was married to Lady Marguerite St. Just who was thought to be the.
most beautiful and smartest woman in Europe. She was perceived as.
a traitor to the French cause for having betrayed the Marquis de .
St. Cyr and his whole family to the bloody guillotine. This she .
was duped into doing because of her brother, Armond, who was .
almost killed by them for having dared to love the daughter of an.