Perhaps they hadn't come out of the closet yet. Or perhaps they were bisexual! Flaw number three being that all of the 19 homosexual men died of AIDS, which infiltrates the central nervous system. How could he be sure that there wasn't some relationship between the disease and the size of the hypothalamus? So you see, differences in brain structure couldn't be proven according to LeVay's studies. More recently, however, scientists have begun to view sexual preferences as hereditary. It is no longer a question of nature vs. nurture. Most homosexual men and women have always had the same sexual orientation. Among gay men, 96% had their " first crush " on another male. Whereas 100% of heterosexual males were first attracted to females. One thing that didn't differ between heterosexuals and homosexuals was the age at which they had their first attractions. Most males had their first attractions around the age of 10. Also, 86% of gay men had their first sexual activity with another male. With heterosexual males, on the other hand, only 73% had their first sexual activity with a female! The age median age for puberty among males, regardless of sexual orientation, is approximately 12 years of age. Although gay men who reached puberty later tended to have fewer sexual partners than men who reached puberty at an early age. Most gay men self - acknowledge that they are gay anywhere between the ages of 4 through 30, with the median being at age 16. Coming " out of the closet " and revealing their identity to the public generally took longer. Most gay men revealed their secret at the median age of 21. Some individuals go through a gay phase as a result of emotional or mental rejection. This helps explain why some individuals carry the gay gene, but don't express it. And adversely, why other individuals don't possess the gay gene, but do express gay tendencies. There was one man in particular that took great interest in this debatable topic.