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Where does Media Power reside


While the public or the audience heavily relies on the newspapers, the journalists resort to information distributed by bureaucratic authorities. They put sources from these authorities as an equivalent of "legitimacy" and "impartiality" (Cottle, Lecture 22/4/2002). Comparatively speaking, the journalists secure a better position in access to information and hence, have the control of that of the public. Take the news industry as an example, news reports, "manufactured" by newspapermen as Gieber (1964:173) convey a "constructed reality" - as Tuchman (1976:97) suggested (both cited in Schudson, 2000). Stuart Hall (1973:181) stated that the reports we read on daily newspaper are regarded and selected by the professional journalists as "potential news stories" - a tiny proportion out of the everyday events around the globe. As Altheide (1985: 19) pointed out:.
             "TV news organization prefer events that are learned about from a handful of reliable sources [which would probably mean bureaucratic sources], are accessible to camera crews, have a visual aspect to them, contain possibilities for drama and action, can be shown to be relevant to the audience, and finally, prefer individuals, events, and situations that can be summarily encapsulated unity. by an angle and given a thematic unity." .
             The selectivity of news stories is further elevated by the process of gatekeeping. News stories written by journalists are censored, selected and rejected on various and often very subjected grounds, by the "gatekeeper" or "Mr. Gates" as David M. White (1950) called. Articles that are regarded as too politically sensitive or posing a potential threat to the press" commercial interests would be taken out from the newspaper we read. The implication is: What we see is what they want us to see. News stories are highly mediated and commodified. They, by no means, project an impartial or complete picture of reality.

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