The use of the.
fingerprint is a wonderful way to identify people; but by using DNA, one can receive more.
accurate and precise results. There is much less margin for error using DNA. A fingerprint must.
be obtained through touch. In other words, the culprit must actually touch something at the .
crime scene. What if he/she was wearing gloves? Then, investigators must move down the ladder.
to less accurate methods of obtain evidence. DNA samples can be obtained by hair, blood,.
semen, skin, and nail clippings because they are all made up cells containing DNA. Think about.
this: A 15 year old boy goes into 7-11 carrying a gun. He yells at the store owner, spitting on the .
counter to, "Give me all your money!". The store owner says, "No!" and gets shot. The young .
scratches his neck as he empties out the cash register and walks out of the store. Using .
fingerprinting how could he be identified? The young boy is a minor, never committing a crime .
before, therefore his fingerprints are not on file. Basically, the police are out of luck. With the.
use of DNA technology the police could identify him easily. The saliva on the counter and.
then the skin cells that came off when he scratched his neck are prime evidence for DNA .
identification. As seen, the use of and study of DNA forensics enables investigators to identify.
potential suspects whose DNA may match evidence left at the crime scene. Not only that, DNA .
forensics will help exonerate persons wrongly accused of crimes and will help incarcerate .
persons who actually committed the crime, leaving out any discrepancy. The study of DNA will .
help match organ donors with recipients with little or no chance for failure. Last but not least,.
scientists can use DNA to study human evolution and uncover history by examining people dead.
for thousands of years.
A second benefit coming from the study of genetic engineering would be the study and.
application of molecular medicine.