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A War Against Ourselves


The role of the government is not to be a patriarchal figure or the big brother to tell Americans how to live, rather it should inform Americans of the dangers of drug abuse and safer methods in which to use drugs if they choose and the treatment available. "Zero tolerance" laws throughout the nation have resulted in the decay of the constitution's Due Process clause. Police issue seizures and searches based on racial profiling, the environment of their surroundings, and whether or not a person is in the wrong part of town. By criminalizing drugs, it's enforcement is not particularly effective; it saddles the criminal-justice systems with huge costs; it feeds organized criminal gangs; it causes official corruption; and it leads to large numbers of violations of civil liberties# . To imagine a drug free America is unrealistic. As long as there are ridiculous rules that try to regulate personal choice, there will inevitably be a drug, disease, and criminal infested America. By decriminalizing drugs, it won't lead to a drug free America, however, it may lead to a more informed American public where money spent on training and executing drug raids and seizures can be spent on more treatment and education centers. Clean syringes could be handed out and drug sales could move from the territorial streets of gang infested neighborhoods to the corner drug store which would ensure the purity of the drug as compared to a potentially laced drug on the street. This obsession for a drug free society does nothing but create corruption, crime, and disease, and America, whose principals are based on freedom and whose freedom depends on our civil liberties being ensured, has failed its public because of this war which is taking too much time, money, and not enough results.
             Circulating on the television screens across America are anti-drug commercials aimed at the pre-teen and teenage community.

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