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The Purpose of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association


This paper was Written by Frank D. Covington 2563 Navy Road Fayetteville NC 28306. .
             "Authorship is reserved for persons who make a primary contribution to and hold primary responsibility for the data, concepts, and interpretation of results for a published work"(American Psychological Association p.4,1994). So as the person writing the paper you may not be considered the sole author of that paper if someone else is responsible for the results, concept, or research. To prevent any future bad blood you should establish early as possible who will be listed as author.
             Reports of empirical studies have four sections typically those are: Introduction, method, results, and discussion. Review articles are used when an author wants use previously published material to clarify a new perspective. Theoretical articles are similar, however an author is using previously existing material to advance theory. Review articles and theoretical articles use empirical studies only when needed to illustrate a point. When considering length you must remember that brevity must be overshadowed by clarity. Headings will help the reader stay organized when reviewing your article. Tone will help the reader keep interested in your research and not becoming bored, however you must remain professional at the same time. This paper was Written by Frank D. Covington 2563 Navy Road Fayetteville NC 28306. .
             The title page is the first thing an editor sees, so be sure it is correct. Gross errors here can cause great research to go unrecognized. The title should be breif but descriptive. The title should be self-explanatory. The Author's name and institute should be next. Do not use the words by or from the (American Psychological Association,1994). The use of your middle initial will reduce the chances of being mistaken as someone else. The running head is the abbreviated title of the paper (no more than 50 characters)at the top of the page.

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