A very blunt response was delivered to my e-mail the next day, asking me to explain "other religions." And so I did.
After posting a semi-essay on the merits of other religions such as Hinduism, Paganism, and Buddhism, I waited for a reply. For 3 days I checked the boards and my mail box. Nothing. Absolutely nothing came back on my post.
At the very least I expected to be bashed, or harassed for my beliefs. I posted again, this time asking politely why no one responded to my previous post. I received one single response, and that one blew me away. I was informed, and I quote, "we are discussing REAL religion where prayers are offered to a REAL God, and your opinion is not needed or wanted in this matter. So go worship your cows or trees and rub your fat man's belly and leave REAL religious matters to those who are true believers.".
I was shocked. I had not expected this. I had expected that I would have been called upon to defend my beliefs. I had expected to rationally argue the positive points of all other non-Christian religions. At the very least I expected to be thumped with the Bible. But it had become worse than that.I had been ignored!.
Now, I am a rather opinionated witch. But I do not just fly off the handle when I feel I have been wronged. I do my homework; facts and figures of proof are my trademark. I don't expect people to accept my beliefs, but I do expect them to accept documented facts of truth.
Just as I prepared to fire off a factual essay about the importance of prayer in other "non-Bible-thumping" religions, my e-mail box lit up. I opened it, expecting another cold note. I was very suprised to find a note from a woman telling me that my essay on other religions was very informative, and could I explain them in a deeper aspect. She thought Wicca and Paganism sounded like beautiful religions and could I give her a link to a good site for more info?(here is the part where I sent the Witchvox.