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             b. Those familiar with classified Gov. programs say such rapid exposure to a top secret project is unlikely.
             B. He also claims to have seen nine flying saucers housed in a hangar built into a hill.
             1. None of his claims can be verified.
             a. People can't just go to the alien hangars and check for space craft.
             b. He took a lie detector test and the results were inconclusive.
             c. There is no evidence that Lazar even visited Area 51.
             1. Can be unofficially checked by former workers.
             2. Unable to describe the arrival areas or what you see when you first arrive at Area 51.
             C. The information about Lazar that can be checked is a lie.
             1. He lied about his academic credentials.
             2. He lied about his status at Los Alamos Base.
             3. He is not a reliable source.
             II. The U-2 was the initial reason Area 51 was created, as stated in a timeline created by Tom Mahood, a respected Area 51 historian.
             A. It was a secret spy plane created in the 1950s to get recon photos behind the Iron Curtain.
             B. During the Cold War, it was used frequently to determine what kind of arsenal the USSR really had.
             C. It needed an extremely long runway, because of the high speed it needed to take off.
             1. Groom Lake provided the flattest, most secluded, and closest spot to other military bases.
             III. The SR-71 Blackbird was the next generation of spy planes.
             A. Created during Cold War to gather info on USSR.
             1. It was publicly announced by LBJ on Feb 29, 1964.
             2. The first flight took place on December 22, 1964.
             B. Unlike U-2, the SR-71 could go over Mach 2. .
             1. According to the Augusta Chronicle, the SR-71 was tested by diving down from 50,000 feet and then swooping to a horizontal flight. .
             2. This maneuver is called a dipsy doodle.
             3. Occasionally, the exhaust turns green, giving it a UFO persona.
             4. UFO sightings coincide with the coming and going of secret aircraft.
             IV. The F-117A Stealth Fighter is perhaps the most well known aircraft tested at Groom Lake.

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