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This isn't the only theory, though. James Hutton introduced a different approach to evolution. His theory, uniformitarianism, suggests that the prominent features of the earth's surface were produced by forces like wind, water, and weather over a long period of time. His theory was only partly true. It explains the question how fossils form, but it really doesn't thoroughly explain evolution. Another theory of evolution is catastrophism. This theory, brought about by Cuvier, says that the earth went through a great series of catastrophes. In his theory, Cuvier suggested that there was one big super continent. He said that the continents slowly drifted apart from one large continent by plate tectonics. Darwin had the chance to talk to all these people on his trip on the Beagle, and they gave him the idea to look into evolution. .
             During Darwin's voyage on the Beagle, he stopped at the Galapagos Islands in September of 1835. This stop is very important in the formulation of his theory because he discovered that even though the islands were very close together, and each islands contained different species of animals, and each of the species was adapted to their specific environment. (Darwin, 20). Darwin didn't realize it at first, but he had found exactly what he was looking for in terms of how man evolved. .
             " 'Descent with Modification' was staring him.
             in the face: the tortoises and finches were .
             descendants of common ancestors, 'modified',.
             as Darwin says, 'for different ends'. And so the .
             popular story is that, confronting the inhabitants .
             of the Galapagos, Darwin became an evolutionist." (Rachels, 21).
             This is only partly true, though. The finches were different species, but the tortoises were all variations of the species they belong to, but the thought about the finches was true.

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