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Amazing Amazon.com


             This case explores the efforts of one entrepreneur, Jeffrey Bezos, and his online bookstore. Bezos graduated from Princeton University and was the youngest senior vice president in the history of D.E. Shaw investment bank. In other words Bezos was a very intelligent man on his way to exceed his current environment. The events that lead Bezos to his business were a statistic that Internet usage was growing at 2,300 percent a year.
             Analyzing Conditions in the Environment-.
             Mr. Bezos had several ideas for starting his Internet Company. His first thoughts were of what to sell, something that was a mainstream product, he came up with books. Secondly, Bezos decided to relocate in order to have a profitable location to start the business, small sales tax, and lastly Seattle was a nice place to live (just in general). There are several parties that sequence the publishing industry and the knowledge of the parts and the business and each part of the industry are necessary in order to have a successful bookstore.
             The publishing industry consists of publishers, wholesalers, retail bookstores, institutions, libraries, mail order and book clubs all playing a part in the distribution of books. Te and emergence of the "Virtual- bookstores is where Amazon.com comes into play as starting the first bookstore online. Where customers can browse through a database of 1.1 million titles, fill up a virtual shopping basket, and then complete the sale by entering their credit card information, shortly after that the customer orders are processed immediately and shipped to the customer within days. Amazon.com positive conditions in their "virtual environment- are:.
             "Semi-anonymity of the online environment male people less inhibited-,.
             Amazon.com offers space for readers to post their own reviews about a book.
             Possess the four core value propositions: convenience, selection, service, and price.
             All books are discounted because of low cost structure.

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