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In this third stage, the symptoms of the alarm stage reappear, only now irreversibly. As the body's energy reserves become depleted, adaptation begins to break down, leading to exhaustion, physical disorders, and potentially, death.
             3.Stress can diminish the effectiveness of the immune system. The immune system is your body s surveillance system. It detects and battles foreign invaders, such as bacteria, viruses, and tumor cells. Your immune system comprises several organs, including bone marrow, the spleen the thymus, and lymph nodes. The most important elements of the immune system are lymphocytes-the specialized white blood cells that fight bacteria, viruses, and other foreign invaders. Lymphocytes are initially manufactured in the bone marrow. From the bone marrow, they migrate to other immune system organs, such as the thymus and spleen, where they develop more fully and are stored until needed. .
             The work of Ader & Cohen challenged the existing view of the immune system were showing that the immune system response in rats could be classically conditioned. Using the same basic procedure that Pavlov used to condition dogs to salivate in response to the sound of the bell, Ader & Cohen paired saccharin-flavored water with a drug that suppressed immune system functioning. After being paired with the drug, the saccharin-flavored water alone suppressed the rat s immune system. As Ader explained, In effect, we had demonstrated that learning processes could influence immune responses. The experiment was a direct and rather dramatic demonstration of a relationship between nervous system function and immune function.
             4.The psychological factors of feeling of control are having a sense of control over a stressful situation reduces the impact of stressors and decreases feelings of anxiety and depression. There are two kinds of explanatory style an optimistic explanatory style tend to use external, unstable, and specific explanations for negative events.

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