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Fight club


             "Fight club" .
             "Fight club" is a let-pass to the real world. This is not the world that everyone has ,this is the world that really exists. Day by day a person is making every effort to do the things he has to do. But at night he forgets about everything and he is completely absorbed in his veritable emotions and desire. At night he lives, by days he overlives . He is striving to make use of his being a part of society in the day time if it is possible at all. He studies, works, waters the flowers and keeps his desire within compass not to maul his principal , his teacher or a passer-by. Why does one have to follow the rules of this world, when there is another world, real world? Where the pain and sufferings bring relief and happiness at the same time. Where beating up a friend one finds love, where there is only one immense feeling of brotherhood and unity, the feeling that gives a person chance to feel like a man. .
             To tell the truth when I saw this film for the first time I left a picture-theatre a bit stunned . I was stunned not by the super visual effects and explosions but by that overwhelming energy that had taken me completely during the film. Visual effects play a secondary role in this film, which is the fact that goes in contradiction to the majority of American movies. The energy like a good fisticuff strikes the audience . "Fight club" is the association of people who manhandle each other in the cellars at night. People who are scant of breath in the modern society, people who are willing to experience something genuine , natural in this modern insincere , cynical world of high technology and top dollar. .
             The film features the life a young successful employee of a large corporation. He is trying to find himself in this industrial world, he is looking for something that can make him feel happy. First of all he rents a nice apartment in a prestigious building.

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