Even though Yossarian always wanted the best for the military his survival was the most.
Yossarian first came to this conclusion when he realizes that war.
is for real. Snowden's death had a great impact on his life. At the beginning of the story.
we see the side of Yossarian that would go over a bomb site twice if he missed the first.
time. Later in the story we the side of Yossarian who is so afraid to go up in a plane that.
he fakes illness and goes as far as moving the bomb line. Even we he does go up he tells.
us that his only mission when he goes up is to come down alive. .
Yossarian's definition of weakness is the desire to save my life. Yosarian's only.
mission when he goes up in a plane is to come down alive. Yossarian talks about fighting.
for himself. He says he is not fighting for his country but to save his own life. .
In all cases Snowden is the motivating factor in his fearful quest of survival. When.
Snowden is shot it all becomes real to him. Yossarian realizes that this is for real and that.
it is not worth dying for. Yossarian's fear of death has a great impact on his work as the.
bombardier. .
Another example of Yossarian's never ending battle to survive is the fact that he.
will go as far as moving the bomb line to insure his safety. Ironically at the beginning of.
the story Yossarian is promoted for going over a bomb sit twice, but now we see the total.
opposite. Even though he wants the best for the military, Snowden's death haunts him.
and reminds him it is not worth it. Yossarian doesn't stop there on his mission of.
survival. .
Yossarian goes as far as faking sick or begging Doc to ground him just so he.
won't have to go up in a plane. Yossarian's normal temperature is higher than everyone.
else's. This allows him to fake sick easier. Yossarian asks Doc that if he was crazy would.
he have to ground him. Doc replies with a yes and Yossarian tries to tell Doc he is crazy. .
Doc tells Yossarian he now knows that he is not crazy because he wants to be grounded.