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The Salvo's


             The Salvation Army is an organization which devotes itself to people who have been disadvantaged in todays society. Their mission statement of then Salvation Army is "To provide assistance and resources to the Salvation Army in order that the Salvation Army is able to establish and maintain an internet presence. All this is done in order to further Glorify God and to bring the unsaved to Jesus Christ".
             History of the Salvation Army .
             In July 1865 a man named William Booth spoke to the small amount of people gathered on a hot day in the slums of London. This was the prospects of an army. Thirteen years later, that same person had attracted a band of fighters that, with the stroke of a pen, became an army. .
             Today, the Salvation Army is known all over the world. Its religious and social service activities have given hope to millions of men and women in more than 96 nations. .
             William Booth brought together The Salvation Army. He started his ministerial career in 1852 but that was never what he had really wanted to do in life. W. Booth was a great man who wanted to make a difference. .
             The leaders of the church disagreed with Booths prospects. They preferred traditional methods, so as a result, he withdrew. His wife Catherine and he traveled throughout England conducting meetings.
             In 1865, William Booth was invited to hold a series of evangelistic meetings in the East End of London. He began in July in a tent set up in a Quaker graveyard. These meetings were greatly successful and proved to be a proper beginning. They ended his wanderings as an itinerant evangelist, and began his career and renown as the leader of a group of dedicated people to fight for under-privileged men and women. .
             In Booth's congregation there were prostitutes, criminals, gamblers, and drunks. He told stories of hope and salvation. His aim was to lead them to Christ so he could lead them to a church for further spiritual help.

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