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Othello The Great


             Most people are quick to judge and only look at the surface of most things.
             Ansett CASSA.
             However to take advantage of such so hideous crimes which usually ends in disaster and tragedy because not only so you end up destroying those most close to you but you usually end up with destroying yourself.
             In olden days it could be linked to treason and such you were killed.
             In politics today if a member of a political party is found to be untrue to the course and to use his position to better himself he is held in scorn and his career would be over.
             In business inside trading is a criminal offence and.
             Propaganda: Publicity intended to persuade or convince people.
             Tell people what they want to hear.
             Back up with fact even if they arent true.
             In this wickedly entertaining tale of.
             seduction and betrayal, Kathryn (Sarah Michelle Gellar) and Sebastian (Ryan.
             Phillippe) are two wealthy, manipulative teenage stepsiblings from Manhattan's uppercrust.
             Manipulation is used every day, governments, businesses as well as individuals.
             For governments and businesses manipulation creates publicity intended to persuade or convince people otherwise known as propaganda. Endless campaigns and press releases have been able to manipulate a large amount of us. .
             So yes, Roderigo is still pertinent in or society, and we are the Roderigo's. .
             But how about friends and such.
             People manipulate their friends for many of one reason, personal gain, revenge or even jealously. But why do people manipulate their friends why not their enemies? .
             The answer to this question is because in a friendship, there is always an element of trust. .
             You also know this person fairly well, so it is easier to see their strengths and their weaknesses, and you are able to play upon these weakness and avoid their strengths.
             You also share close feelings of trust and experiences, which will assist to gaining knowledge or position over them. .
             And the most important one is that friends often have the same network, which allows you to play off other members within the group.

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