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Drinking and Driving


             six months. These penalties are the same for the following offences.
             "Having Care and Control of a Motor Vehicle while Impaired" is another.
             offence. Having care and control of a vehicle does not require that you.
             be driving it. Occupying the driver's seat, even if you did not have the .
             keys, is sufficient. Walking towards the car with the keys could be suffi- .
             cient. Some defences are you were not impaired, or you did not have care and .
             control because you were not in the driver's seat, did not have the keys,.
             etc. It is not a defence that you registered below 80 m.g. on the breath- .
             ayzer test. Having care and control depends on all circumstances. .
             "Driving While Exceeding 80 m.g. is the next offence. Driving a.
             vehicle, having consumed alcohol in such a quantity that the proportion.
             of alcohol in your blood exceeds 80 miligrams of alcohol in 100 mililitres.
             of blood. Some defences are the test was administered improperly, or.
             the breathalyzer machine was not functioning properly. .
             "Having Care and control of a Motor Vehicle while Exceeding 80 m.g.".
             is the next offence I will talk about. This offence means having care and.
             control of a vehicle whether it is in motion or not, having consumed alcohol.
             in such a quantity that the proportion of alcohol in your blood exceeds 80.
             miligrams of alcohol in 100 mililitres of blood. The defences are the test.
             was administered improperly, or the breathalyzer machine was not functioning.
             properly. To defend against breathalyzer evidence you must understand how.
             the test should be administered. The proper procedure for a breathalyzer.
             test is as follows. Warming up the machine until the thermometer registers.
             50 degrees centigrade. This should take at least 10 minutes. The machine.
             should then be turned to zero (by using the "adjust zero control") and a.
             comparison ampoulel (of normal air) inserted. if the metre remains at zero,.
             the test can proceed. An ampoule with a standard solution is then inserted.

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