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The Death Penalty


Obviously the thought of death scares anyone but I believe that a psychologist should be one of the decision makers on whether or not the penalty is kept in us. The psychological effects of knowing that if you commit this crime you will be put to death could be a very large factor in a persons thoughts when they are about to commit a heinous crime that would make the Death Penalty a possibility. .
             In 1989 the US Supreme Court ruled that it was not unconstitutional to execute mentally retarded people. Since then some 30 mental people have been executed. However, some positive steps have been taken. In 1998 Nebraska became the 12th state to adopt the band the executed of mental prisoners. Weather someone is sentenced to life or death can depend more on their lawyer than on the crime. A defendant who cannot afford an experienced and competent lawyer is more likely to be sentenced to death than someone who can.
             An eye for an eye, some feel that execution is the only way to satisfy the public as well as themselves. Who doesn't enjoy it when, for example, someone steals ten dollars from you and then the person who stole your money has the same thing happen to them? The criminal brought his punishment upon himself they deserve what they get. This code claims that an eye for and eye and a life for a life, is justice. If someone is lined up for execution then they more then likely deserves it. They have caused a great deal of grief to the family and friend of the victim or victims and it seems like the only way justice could be served is for the criminal to die. For the person to simply go to jail seems unfair. When there they will eat three meals a day, get to watch TV, and befriend other in-mates. They live a pretty decent life in prison and they don't deserve it.
             An execution is one too many because, no matter how it's carried out, the death penalty is cruel, inhuman and degrading. It's an assault on the human dignity and a violation of human rights.

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