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Civil disobedience in the civil rights movement


             because the government forced them to. The Supreme Court ruled that blacks could not vote .
             in primary elections, and that seperate but equal facilities had to be equal. in 1954 the court .
             stated that all public schools must be integrated. Thurgood Marshall argued for the integration .
             and was later recognized for his work by the Supreme Court.
             The south did not accept integration of schools peacefully. By any means possible .
             politicians from southern states decided to resist the court's decision. In Little Rock, .
             Arkansas the National Guard was sent to schools on the first day of classes to try to prevent .
             violence between blacks and whites. And to prevent violence they stopped blacks from .
             attending school. A federal judge ordered the National Guard out, then again blacks tried .
             going school again but the white mob forced them to go home. The president then removed .
             the National Guard and sent the Army to open the schools.
             Civil Rights were not won only in courts. Another procedure that blacks throughout the .
             south used "Civil Disobedience". The idea was that if enough people protest by acts of Civil .
             Disobedience, the public may start to question the laws. On December 1, 1955 a woman .
             named Rosa Parks refused to give her seat to a white man who asked for it. It was against the .
             law, so she was arrested. This little woman inspired many people and she quickly became a .
             symbol of the civil rights movement.
             It was around the time that Martin Luther King Jr. became a leader in the Civil Rights .
             Movement. He stated that like Ghandi in India, black people needed to practice Civil .
             Disobedience. He told people to stop using the buses until they treated blacks and whites .
             To What Extent 5 .

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