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What is Depression?


            Depression is a medical illness that is linked to changes in the biochemistry of the brain. There is four different types of common depressions, major depression, bi-polar disorder, dysthymia and seasonal affective disorder. These are all categorised under the one name, Clinical Depression.
             A person's biochemistry is intricate balancing act. For example, one's biochemistry is similar to a choreographed ballet with a troupe of dancers performing at once. If one or more dancers are out of step, the whole production is thrown off balance. As it is with an individual's biochemistry. The brain is the control centre which commands our lives, messages from our brain controls our movements, just as other messages control our moods and emotions. Neurons, better known nerve cells, are the most basic units in the brain. These neurons are separated by gaps, that are named synapses. A chemical substance named neurotransmitters carry messages across these gaps to various nerve cells. The neurotransmitters serotine, dopamine and norepinephrine are the chemical messengers believed to be responsible for moods and emotions. If there is a deficiency or imbalance in these neurotransmitters, a variety of disorders can result, including depression.
             Clinical depression is a name that covers the most common types of depression. Clinical depression should not be ignored, it is just as important to treat as any other disease. It involves feelings of sadness and hopelessness lasting for up to two weeks and longer. Depression is accompanied by a loss of interest in life and decreased energy. It also affects ones ability to perform in everyday life.
             Experts generally agree that a person has clinical depression when that person experiences some or all of these symptoms nearly everyday for two weeks, they are as follows:.
             Depressed mood.
             Persistent feelings of hopelessness, guilt or worthlessness.
             Fatigue or lack of energy.

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