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Tyranny of distance


Also given that a large proportion of the early settlers were convicts and free labour was in short supply, convicts were used for labour and as indentured servants. In return if they performed appropriately and did not cause trouble they were granted early remission and emancipated, thereby creating more free settlers. This also helped to build character and changed the lives and futures of many. .
             The early explorers not only cursed the distance and the problems associated with it, but took a great deal of pride and satisfaction in the fame associated with being the first to open up the land and assist in establishing the early roadways within the colonies. These emotions came from having virtually total freedom of choice in the way the country was settled and consequently established. England did not have a great deal of input into the actual colonization process of Australia. They provided the supplies, a basic initial currency reserve and an unending supply of convicts. England assisted with providing a certain number of soldiers for law enforcement and a Governor for ruling the colonies. However as long as the Governor could report back that the colony was rapidly becoming self sufficient and no longer a drain on the empire England did not really care how he ran the country.
             Geoffrey Blainey argues that the biggest problem was the distance from England to Australia. At the onset of settling Australia this could be classed as being a tyranny, as the convicts and early settlers relied heavily upon the outside world in order to survive. However, as Australia became more and more self sufficient this problem became less crucial; as the people realized that they could support and feed themselves. As the years progressed so did the settlers, to the extent where they rarely called upon England for assistance as they could provide for the majority of their needs. This then meant that the "Tyranny of Distance" as Blainey put it is actually incorrect.

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