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             Steam is the elastic fluid into which water is converted when heated to the boiling point. Steam is one of the most powerful and the most dangerous forms of independent energy. Steam was used in Steam engines which were the first engine type to see widespread use. They were first invented by Thomas Newcomen in 1705, and were later improved by James Watt in 1769. Steam engines powered all early locomotives, such as steam boats and factories, and therefore acted as the establishment of the Industrial Revolution. A steamboat is a boat or vessel propelled by steam power; generally used of river or coasting craft. The purpose of our steamboat experiment was to create a water powered boat using steam that would be able to travel very quickly, relative to our previous steamboat experiment, and move in one direction. The purpose of this report is to essentially explain how a steamboat functions. The ideas of hydrodynamics, thermochemistry, thermodynamics, gas laws, electrochemistry, and the behavior of metals were all mentioned to explain just how a steam boat works. .
             The Physics of a boat.
             A boat floats because the fluid in which it is floating counterbalances the downward pull of gravity and pushes it up. The name for this force, which allows even large objects to float in liquid, is commonly known as buoyancy. A solid object's density determines whether or not the buoyant force of a liquid can lift it. The density of an object depends upon its mass and its volume (Density=mass/volume). Given two solid objects that have different volumes, but have the same mass, the smaller object is the denser of the two. For example, in our steamboat laboratory experiment, the mass of the steamboat was around 1000 grams, the volume was 263 cm3, and the density was 3.8 g/cm3. If the boat was smaller, it would have a smaller volume, and thus the density would be greater. Fluids also have density. When an object is placed in the fluid, it pushes aside some of the liquid and, if its density is greater than that of the fluid it displaces, it will sink and, if not, it will float.

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