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Sex ed


teenpregnancy.org/resources/teens/facts/fact18.asp) If sexual education taught this information to pre-teens, than the teens will know what will happen to their kid if they made the choice to have a baby. 8.6 billion dollars of taxpayer's money is spent every year for the financial and healthcare support for teenage mothers. The United States has the highest rates of teen pregnancy and births in the western industrialized world. The sexual revolution of the 60's has affected another dimension of health care.
             In the 1980's, many new cases of diseases have been diagnosed. Over 50 million Americans are now infected with an incurable STD. Every year approximately 3 million American teenagers contract a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Up to twelve million new cases of STD's are reported annually, 85% in ages 5 to 29. Alone 10 million cases of Chlamydia, one million cases of Gonorrhea, two million cases of Venera warts, .5 million genital warts, and 900,000 Syphilis cases were diagnosed. Out of 4 million suffers; two out of every 10 teenagers have Chlamydia. Gonorrhea which is carried by one out of ten sexually active teens, can lead to permanent sterility which have incurable strains. Gonorrhea is also up 400% among students 10-14 years of age. One out of five Americans have genital herpes, 90% are unaware. Since the 1970's, genital herpes has increased 5 times among the teenage population. Genital herpes can also affect babies during birth, resulting in blind ness, brain damage, or even death. Each year 4000 students become infected with syphilis. Syphilis affects an unborn child with meningitis, deformities, or it can result in a still birth. This information shows me that befor I have sex I have to marry a virgin and I need to make sure that my wife needs to have her papers that say that she is not infected with any viruses or diseases. Aids also added a new twist in today's teenage population.

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