Next children will always be burdened with their parent's aspirations and just like always parents will have to realize that children clones or not are independent with the right to chose their identity. And to put to rest the final concern I have pointed out , you have to except that no matter what developments are made in science they can always be used for darker purposes but laws can be set up and just like any other law must be enforced. Also People's concerns about achieving the ability to clone can also be answered very simply. People worry that the experimentation process would be too dangerous and that humans could be hurt or scarred, or a mother could give birth to some kind of freak and that this is inhumane. But people have to realize that this isn't a science fiction movie and taking risks is a key part of making advances, doctors perform risky procedures on patients and some of these have only a 50% chance of success rate. Also we allow mothers to give birth to children who we know will be deformed of disfigured, how is this any different? Then you can begin to wonder about how people would treat a clone, when there are people who don't even treat regular people with the same respect because of their skin color or religious beliefs. My answer to that is simple, how do you know he is a clone? It's not like they are all going to be walking around with big signs on their heads stating that they are a clone, they will look, act and talk like every other person it would be impossible to tell. Then people begin to worry about lack of individuality and identity theft. Identity-theft is already a problem now in the age of numbers and passwords where with a couple of keystrokes you are someone else, identity-theft goes way beyond simple appearance and it is just as easy for a regular person to steal your identity as it is for a clone. As for the lack of individuality, that statement just shows how shallow society has become basing everything about a person on what they look like.