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             Neoorthodoxy in a sense is a belief that man is born with this wrong in him. Therefore he is tempted by evil and throughout his life does awful things. I believe people are born with the original sin. When Eve persuaded Adam to eat the forbidden fruit, going against Gods wishes she damned all mankind into being born with that guilt inside. Hence man is born guilty and no matter how hard we try we can not erase the pollution that Adam and Eve had plagued there descendants with ever since. .
             Since people are already born with that tendency toward evil in their souls, they easily accommodate to do wrong, things like lying, cheating, stealing murder. It also teaches to believe in Christ not the bible since it is fallible book. It was passed through word of mouth for a few years then someone decided to write it down, but by the time they got down to write it His teachings they were already changed. Therefore it is not legit scriptures. .
             "Everyone is born with that one sin that one single sin passed down through our blood regardless of our color, race, or sex. It reminds us that we are not perfect" says Cindy Escoboza a high school junior, "It reminds us that we are human and are capable of making mistakes".
             "Lately people seem to have forgotten that hey even have souls, every where you look on the news people are killing each other or hurting each other for no apparent reason expect for their on pleasure" says Cindy.
             This further proves my point that since we are born with the original sin it is easier to become mean, angry and evil. We are born with a tendency to do wrong and it is hard to correct it. To be able to continue that wrong we are born with is easier that to change and become better and try to follow a good path even if we can never erase .
             that first sin. .
             Neoorthodoxy also is accepting the idea of Gods complete sovereignty over government, and other officials. It gives us the freedom to accept what is morally correct and the option to try to live without sinning in order to gain entrance to Paradise.

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