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Heidi Chronicles


In other words, their emotional part is left aside. Precisely, such is the case of Heidi's character since, in pursuit of her ideals, she permits reason and thought to dominate her life, not allowing her emotional side to reveal completely. It is not until she sees how her friends have moved on with their lives that she finally discovers her "emotional body-; she realizes of her unhappiness and decides to have a daughter. Still, her adopting a child does not mean that she abandons her ideals regarding a woman's self-independence; instead, she fits into what Young defines as a spinster, that is, "a woman not defined by her lack of a husband but rather as a woman with a trade, an independent woman- (357). In short, by the end of the play, Heidi resembles a balance between both thought and emotion, reason and feeling. .
             First, it is a fact that Heidi is revealed, throughout most of the play, as a woman who disagrees with the traditional role given to females along the history of humankind: the role of mother and wife. Since she is a teenager, she makes evident her belief about men and women being the same when referring to a boy at a high school dance: "Susan, there is absolutely no difference between you and me and him- (The Heidi Chronicles 164). Clearly, she implies that there is no reason why women should be discriminated and treated as mere servants. Such belief is even more evident when she tells Scoop that she does not want to spend her life preparing sandwiches for her husband and children. However, Heidi is reprimanded by her friend Susan who tells her that she is supposed to be interested in boys. In addition, when she meets Scoop three years later, he tells her that "(she) will be one of those true believers who didn't understand it was all just a phase- (172), meaning that she will keep on believing that her position is the only one valid, and consequently, she will not move on with her life.

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