3.To identify some myths that adults keep, in relation to issues that children should know, depending on their age.
4.To point out why education is different depending on children's age.
How to teach Human sexuality .
Most parents want their children to grow up to have a healthy and happy adult sex life. To make healthy choices about their sexuality, children must be advised in many ways:.
1.To take good care of their bodies.
2.Look to parents and other trusted adults for information.
3.Be free to let adults know if they feel uncomfortable about something.
4.Respect their own and others people's bodies.
5.Have as much information as the can to make important decisions.
Parents must be able to provide their children with the information they need to make responsible choices about their sexuality. But that information must come from trusted sources so, if parents don't want their children to learn from others, they have to be responsible and do it by their own. So according to Jon Knowles and Danielle Dimitrov, collaborators of the www.plannedparenthood.org, children from 0 to 9 years old should know that: .
1.Love should make people feel good, safe and wanted.
2.Peoples' bodies are different sizes, shapes, and colors.
3.Their bodies belong to themselves.
4.Talk about all of their body parts without feeling "bad child-.
5.Ask trusted adults questions about sexuality.
6.Say "NO- to unwanted touch.
All of this in simple and clear language and with examples to illustrate the concept you want them to understand. Which means the information is general, and so you should try to emphasize and clarify concept like: "feel good, safe and wanted-, "bad child- and others that can be confusing if the information is not clear. Whereas from older children, it should more specific so, in addition to earlier information; children of 9 to 12 years old need to know that: .
1.All creatures reproduce themselves.
2.How plants and animals grow reproduce, and how we care for them.