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Poetry Comparison On My First Son-Unending Love


             impact on the reader as it has now. An example of the explosion of adjectives in this poem is in.
             lines 9 and 10 as follows " Rest in soft peace; and, asked, say: Here doth lie/ Ben Jonson his best.
             piece of poetry". Now in these two lines Benjamin Jonson describes the peace that he prays his.
             son will have as being "soft". This one small word shows that the speaker wishes (even in death).
             for his son to have a peaceful existence. The next amazing word combination in this poem is "best.
             piece of poetry" in line 10. A writer always has one favorite thing that they have written over the.
             years. For the speaker of this poem though to describe his son as his best work ever is extremely.
             powerful and it shows how proud and how much love the father felt for his son. Like On My.
             First Son, Unending Love is filled with powerful words. The poet uses repetition of the words .
             numberless, life, age, and renew throughout the poem to provide emphasis on each word. These.
             words show the everlastingness that can be found in love. There is a lot of imagery in both poems.
             as well. In On My First Son imagery lies in the words "my sin", "lent to me", "just day", "lose all.
             father", "flesh's rage" and "best piece of poetry". In Unending Love the imagery lies in "necklace.
             of songs", "pole-star", "darkness of time", and "tears of farewell". Most of the imagery in both.
             poems is shown through expressive similes. .
             The voice of On My First Son is designed to be a bid farewell to his son. It is not really to.
             be read out loud it is just simply a silent prayer. The poem Unending Love is also a silent one.
             with its voice being an ode to love. It is almost a love letter savoring the kind of love only felt.
             once in a lifetime forever. It seems almost to be an eternal vow written down on paper. In On.
             My First Son, the speaker is obviously a father grieving over his son's death. The emphasis in this.
             poem is on the sadness in love. The speaker of poem two is a man in love.

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