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Dr Suess


            To start off the beginning of my explanation of "Oh, the Places You"ll Go", I thought it would be wise to start at the beginning of the book. Here is the inside cover:.
             For out-starting upstarts of all ages, here is a wonderfully wise and blessedly brief graduation speech from the one and only Dr. Seuss. In his inimitable, humorous verse and pictures he addresses the Great Balancing Act (life itself, and the ups and downs it presents) while encouraging us to find the success that lies within us.
             This book has inspired me to succeed in the obstacles of life. Living is not always easy and neither is finding the strength to proceed through it. I've been in many situations where I felt it was impossible to move on and I"m sure you have as well. .
             Dr. Seuss has lifted people to a state of mind that has helped ease their struggles into a more balanced and peaceful place. This book is perfect for anyone who reads it. The entire book is written directly towards the reader, using the word "you" to start off most of the ideas Seuss is deposing.
             The first word of the first page is "congratulations". Right away, subconsciously, we are immediately in a state of splendor. Congratulating existence, Seuss illustrates a young boy dressed in yellow (symbolizing happiness), with a look of determination. This is the only image on the first page and so your focus is on happiness. The background is white and so the opposite component, black lettering and black outline of the boy, makes the first page one of the most memorable. .
             The next page puts you in touch with what you have and who you are. "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. And you know what you know. And YOU are the guy who"ll decide where to go." Seuss soon progresses toward the darker side of life. Darker doesn't necessarily mean worse, he explains. Of course you"ll be scared when the monsters of life surround your every move but in the end it will help you grow strong and wise.

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