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Teen Suicide


Every day 73 people commit suicide and 16 of them are teens. Suicide can happen at any time, age, race, or sex. Parents do have an influence on a teen's decision. I feel the school should support the teens. I mean we spend 35 hours a week in school, why not support? We face many of our problems at school anyway. Parents at times are (just my opinion) are the cause of a teen's problem, so we can't always turn to our parents for help. Suicides happen when people have a mindset of having a problem that is non-solvable. Teenagers commit suicide because of friends, peers and other teenagers, conflicts at home, stress, and through the use of drugs.
             Friends are an issue teens have to deal with on a daily basis of life. Even though some may not know this, but friends can also contribute to suicides. Like when a person loses a friend due to a fight or death, individuals may not quite know how to deal with that. I know I felt the same way when I lost my aunt, grandmother, my friend George, my grandfather, and then my good friend Candice all in a five-year span from 1996- 2001. As being a teen once, a teen sees their friends as the only people who can understand them and won't judge. You feel that your friends know how you feel because they may have dealt with the same issues as you are. Breaking up in a relationship with a girl/boyfriend can lead to suicide. That person could have truly loved this other person, as in first paragraph about Mike Emme. When breaking up with your love, you may lose touch with reality. A teen in this situation may turn to suicide as an easy way out, especially if they have heard other teens taking their lives. New friends have the power of a different kind of influence on teens. Friends should always keep a reminder in the back of his/her head what he/she might say could send a person over the edge to commit suicide.
             Peers also have a major impact on a teen's decision to commit suicide.

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