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Poetry and Human relationships


The boy, named Benjamin, was born in 1596 and died in 1603 on his seventh birthday (Johnson line 3 764). Johnson begins wishing his son good-bye by saying, "Farewell, thou child of my right hand, and joy" (Johnson line 1 764). In the second couplet, Jonson shows his initial feelings, regret for being a father, by saying "Seven years thou wert to me, and I thee pay, Exacted by they fate, on the just day" (Johnson line 3 764). These lines represent the cruelty to Jonson in the boy's death occurring on his seventh birthday ("On My First Son" 1). In the next two couplets, Jonson realizes that his son will not experience the pains and disappointments of growing old: .
             "For why, .
             Will man lament the state he should envy,.
             To have so soon "scaped world's and flesh rage,.
             And if no other misery, yet age?".
             (Jonson Lines 5-8 764).
             Jonson now feels happiness for his son who did not have to suffer pains and misery in life. Jonson continues searching for a way to escape from his pain and suffering or to somehow deny his grief. After having conflicting feelings of regret and happiness, Jonson realizes that maybe the right feelings for his son's death should be of pride. He thinks his son may have been his greatest achievements of all and says, "Ben Jonson his best piece of poetry" (Jonson line 10 764). By remembering his child as the greatest expression of his self, he may be finally able to deal with the grief. .
             Another example of emotional conflicts in relationships is shown in Shakespeare's "Sonnet 130." In his "Sonnet 127" through "Sonnet 154," Shakespeare talks about his relationship with a lady he most likely knew ("Sonnet 130" 1). In 130, Shakespeare attempts to balance his feelings of love with this lady's lack of physical and social beauty. Lines one thru four state:.
             "My mistress" eyes are nothing like the sun;.
             Coral is far more red than her lips" red;.
             If snow be white, why then her breast are dub;.

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