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             Machine Room Requirements: Gearless machine rooms are always located on the roof above the shaft. Geared traction elevator machine rooms offered 3 fixed placement options:.
             1. Termed PT - Most common, least expensive.
             2. Termed PU - Had more complex roping arrangements, not on top of a buliding.
             3. Termed PS - Most expensive, least common on top and to side of the shaft.
             Hydraulic elevator machine rooms, termed PH, could be placed on the lowest floor.
             The Elevator Purchasing Decision.
             The complexity of elevator purchase decisions varied with building type and design. Selection of a high-rise commercial building elevator system, for example, might involve the property developer, building owner, construction contractor, architect, elevator consultant and major tenants. A low-rise residential elevator purchase decision might involve from one to as many as five parties.
             KONE's elevator business was orgainized as two divisions: New Equipment, called V1; and Services, called V2. In 1995 KONE generated revenues of $2.2 billion from sales of 16,500 new units and service contracts for 425,000 units. V1 accounted for 38%, V2 for 62% of these revenues. Within V2, maintenance contracts accounted for 78% of revenues, modernization of existing elevators for 22 KONE manufactured and sold a broad line of equipment, including standardized low-rise passenger elevators, medium-rise elevators, high-rise elevator systems, scenic elevators, hospital elevators, freight elevators, escalators and autowalks, and elevator components . Low-rise elevators accounted for approximately 75% of KONE's equipment sales, mid-rise and high-rise elevators for 15% and 10% respectively. In 1995, KONE spent approximately 1.5% of revenues on new product development.
             With 90% of its sales outside Finland, KONE operated two headquarters, one in Helsinki and the other in Brussels. Sales by market in 1995 were: 53% EU; 4% rest of Europe; 29% North America; 10% Asia and Australia and 4% other countries.

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